Friday 6 November 2015

Week Beginning 2nd November

In the week since the two tutor crit I have been using the feedback I received to make improvements to my work.

Firstly I redesigned the arm chairs for my visualisations as they weren't reflecting the contemporary style of the prints. Comparing the two styles I can now understand what Teresa meant when she said that the chair I chose wasn't contemporary enough. In comparison to the chair after, the original chair looks 'old ladyish' and it's nowhere near as visually exciting as the new visualisation. 

Scaling up the design has added to the appeal as the motifs are so large, it creates a lovely abstract pattern. It's also difficult to identify the repeat, which as a designer you want. Instead of just going with the first piece of furniture I find when creating a visualisation, I've learnt to experiment with a number of different styles because choosing the wrong piece of furniture can ruin the appeal of the print.

The chair before and after the two crit

I have also printed some more A3 samples that are a snapshot of the larger scale and reflect the updated visualisations. I've realised I should take my time when making my samples and visualisations. It's important to have accurate/to scale samples that reflect my visualisations. I plan to print A1/2 paper samples for my portfolio before the end of the unit.

To scale A3 Samples

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