Saturday 31 October 2015

Week Beginning 26th October

The two tutor crit took place this week and I received a number of helpful feedback comments. Over the coming week I'm going to use this feedback to make the necessary changes to my work and ensure my Bradford project is resolved as well as it can be at this point.
  • As I was struggling with pixelated motifs, I was advised to scan visual research at a larger percentage than 100%. This will enlarge the size of the brushes in photoshop and mean that when the print is scaled up the design won't become pixelated. 
  • The shape of the chair in my visualisations doesn't reflect the contemporary style of the prints.
  • The scale at which I've placed certain prints into the visualisations isn't the most effective so I should experiment with the print's placement.
As this four week project has been in response to the Bradford Textiles Society competition, I have produced a mock up of my submission, doing this has really helped me to come to a resolve for this part of the unit.

Mock up of my Bradford Textiles competition entry

Only having 4 weeks to complete this project, I was initially concerned that I wouldn't get enough done. Surprisingly I feel that I have developed my work at a good pace, making the most of the time I've had. I don't feel that I have explored the potential of this concept and I plan to continue with it in the next 4 weeks. I plan to build my collection, creating coordinating designs that would co-ordinate in a room alongside my upholstery prints.

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