Saturday 14 November 2015

Week Beginning 9th November

This week I have established what I need to do next. As there isn't a live brief that I like the look of yet I'm going to focus my time on the self initiated project. With the idea to create semi plain prints that complement the collection I produced in the first 4 week project, I have been producing visual research that is created using the same process, creating painterly marks but moving away from focusing on florals and looking instead at abstract shapes.

Visual research I've been producing

To get a clearer idea of how a company puts a print collection together I have conducted research into leading brands such as Harlequin and Romo. The image (below) from Harlequin's website shows their Amazilia collection working in context. There are the stand out, main designs i.e the blue and gold wallpaper but then there are also the simpler prints i.e the hummingbird curtains that are complementing the wallpaper. As a whole all of the prints are working well together. Designers have coordinating designs to compliment the bolder main ones because they know if a customer is decorating a room they will be looking to match their wallpaper with their curtains and their furniture and so they will receive more custom.

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