Friday 20 November 2015

Week Beginning 16th November

This week I have made the decision to move away from expanding the collection of prints from the first four weeks and instead create a separate collection of prints. I made this decision because I could see potential in the visual research to be more than supporting designs for my previous designs. I also see it as an opportunity to broaden my portfolio.

Initially as I was still designing with the idea to create coordinating designs, I was using the same colour palette as my prints for the Bradford Textiles Society competition entry, but when I started to produce design ideas I didn't feel that the colours were having the same impact as the original drawings.

Design I created
Original drawing

The green and blue are too similar tonally, the green floral shapes look drowned out by the blue background whereas in the original drawing the black and white contrast really well and are very striking together. With this in mind I have decided to rethink my colour mood and use a two colour, colour palette of white and indigo blue.

Colour Palette

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