Friday 23 October 2015

Week Beginning 19th October

This week I have been finalising my work in preparation for the two tutor crit. I have used sublimation printing to produce physical samples, as it is a quicker process than having them digitally printed. With only being able to use synthetic fabrics, I sourced a heavy weight material to portray furnishing fabric.

Fabric Samples

I plan to put the far right design (below) forward for the Bradford Textiles Society competition as I feel this is my strongest design in terms of colour and composition, the repeat is full of life and perfectly represents an abstract flower garden.

Print Collection

I have used a number of the same motifs in the different prints so if a company was to buy one of my designs I wouldn't be able to sell the others that contained the same motifs due to copyright. I consider this a lesson to produce enough visual research that I don't need to duplicate motifs.

I have generated visualisations (below) to see how my designs work in context. When it came to scaling the designs up and printing them out, particularly the top chair, I found that the motifs became pixelated. This is definitely something I need to resolve as you can see from the visualisations that I will need to scale up the designs for them to be realistic.

Until the two tutor crit I will be generating mood boards,samples and preparing for the presentation. I want to make the most of this opportunity as it will be good to hear feedback from 2 tutors as well as my fellow students.

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