Friday 29 January 2016

Week Beginning 25th January

This week I've finalised my designs (below) for the Adamley live brief. I have printed them to scale, on paper (40cmx40cm) as they are designs for pocket squares.

Print Collection
As a collection I think the designs compliment one another, there is enough variation in terms of motifs and compositions but at the same time they still look like they belong together. I have varied the compositions, incorporating the boarder into some of the designs but then also having a block boarder and even no boarder, this is an improvement from my initial designs that had no regard for the boarders.

Initially to create visualisations I had considered having samples printed and photographing them in context but with the time constraints I felt creating a visualisation on the computer would be easier. I tried using an image I found on the internet but I felt it looked really unrealistic.

Edited photo visualisation

I then created a digital visualisation, the difference between this visualisation and the one above is remarkable. Although this is a drawing it looks a lot more professional than the earlier attempt, it also looks more realistic. This kind of realisation that something isn't right is key especially as I am now producing work for my graduate portfolio. I want my portfolio to represent the best of my work so producing professional visualisations is important.

Digital visualisation

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