Sunday 7 February 2016

Practice Unit Evaluation

I feel I have continued to challenge myself throughout this unit. To begin with I was quite hesitant to move away from the linear drawing style I had adopted and challenge myself with the unfamiliarity's of abstract mark making but I'm so glad I did as it has really pushed and developed my practice. I'm proud of the work I have produced and feel that it is reflected in how I have applied myself throughout this unit. 

Initially I was concerned about the quick turn around of each project, having 4 weeks for each, doesn't seem long at all, but I've been so surprised by the amount of work I have produced and how it has developed from my initial ideas. I'm pleased that I have managed my time quite well, generating outcomes for three projects. I do however wish I had made some more time for the development of my self initiated project since Christmas but I do feel I have started something quite interesting and have shown the potential of an idea I plan to develop into unit x.

Having the Bradford textiles Society Competiton brief and the Adamley live brief to complete gave me a chance to engineer prints for different audiences as well as my own self initiated brief. Being able to Complete different briefs is a huge part of being a designer in the industry, especially a freelance designer, so having such short turn arounds has been an eye opener for what the industry might be like.

I feel that I have improved my understanding of the print for interiors industry, getting to grips with printing to scale samples and also complimentary designs. 

If I was to compare where I am now to where I was this time last year or even at the end of last year, I would say my practice has developed hugely. I take the time to consider what I am doing a lot more, especially now as I am producing work that will be in my graduate portfolio. I feel that I have developed a characteristic style that is unique and exciting, I'm looking forward to unit x as it will be a further opportunity to develop my skills and understanding.

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