Friday 26 February 2016

Project Introduction

During this unit I want to expand my practice to produce a number of digitally printed collections that explore scale, composition and colour.

I particularly want to explore scale as this was something I started  experimenting with in the Practice unit. I'm going to look at using the full width of a furnishing fabric (140cm), whether it’s scaling up my motifs or creating large abstract feature designs. 

Creating a number of collections with different colour moods will be a challenge for me as I am used to creating one collection with one colour palette, but pushing myself to do different colour moods will broaden my design portfolio.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Practice Unit Evaluation

I feel I have continued to challenge myself throughout this unit. To begin with I was quite hesitant to move away from the linear drawing style I had adopted and challenge myself with the unfamiliarity's of abstract mark making but I'm so glad I did as it has really pushed and developed my practice. I'm proud of the work I have produced and feel that it is reflected in how I have applied myself throughout this unit. 

Initially I was concerned about the quick turn around of each project, having 4 weeks for each, doesn't seem long at all, but I've been so surprised by the amount of work I have produced and how it has developed from my initial ideas. I'm pleased that I have managed my time quite well, generating outcomes for three projects. I do however wish I had made some more time for the development of my self initiated project since Christmas but I do feel I have started something quite interesting and have shown the potential of an idea I plan to develop into unit x.

Having the Bradford textiles Society Competiton brief and the Adamley live brief to complete gave me a chance to engineer prints for different audiences as well as my own self initiated brief. Being able to Complete different briefs is a huge part of being a designer in the industry, especially a freelance designer, so having such short turn arounds has been an eye opener for what the industry might be like.

I feel that I have improved my understanding of the print for interiors industry, getting to grips with printing to scale samples and also complimentary designs. 

If I was to compare where I am now to where I was this time last year or even at the end of last year, I would say my practice has developed hugely. I take the time to consider what I am doing a lot more, especially now as I am producing work that will be in my graduate portfolio. I feel that I have developed a characteristic style that is unique and exciting, I'm looking forward to unit x as it will be a further opportunity to develop my skills and understanding.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Week Beginning 1st February

As this is the final week of the unit, my time has been focused on preparing for assessment. It's been really interesting to see how much work I've  generated over the unit and how my ideas have developed. I'm glad I've been quite organised throughout, it's meant I've not had to catch up on too much work at this late stage. 

In terms of my self initiated project I have begun to develop ideas for the scaling up aspect I've discussed in my learning agreement.  This has been something I've really wanted to explore but having only a week or two left after completing the live brief and wanting to start preparing for assessment, this development has taken a back seat. Saying that I have generated 2 feature designs that are 140cm width and experimented with visualising them on cushions in different placements. In the mood board below you can see how I have developed the idea, the cushions are a really exciting starting point. This is an interesting development that I plan to continue with into unit x.

Process Moodboard

I have also been working on complimentary designs for the collection I produced in the first 4 weeks as this was something I originally planned to do. I've generated a number of designs, in different colour ways, that I believe compliment but also contrast with my 4 upholstery designs. Until this unit I'd never really thought about complimentary design and now when I look at a designers collection, i'll look out for the main designs and those that are coordinating with them.