Friday 20 May 2016

Unit X Evaluation

Being the last project of my degree I wanted to ensure that I used my time effectively to create prints that showcase my potential as a digital print designer. I've wanted to push my practice particularly in terms of scale, colour and composition. I've used a large scale canvas and oversized motifs to generate large, abstract feature designs. As well as feature designs I've created co-ordinating designs that compliment the main designs. I believe generating a number of varied collections showcases my ability to consider how an interior collection of designs work on their own or as part of a interior space.

Initially I had only planned to use one colour mood but after realising that it would push my practice and benefit my portfolio I decided to use three different colour palettes. Thinking back I now realise that if I had only used one colour palette my designs could have ended up looking too similar to one another.

In terms of being ready for life after graduation and finding employment, I have created promotional material including a website, an instagram and business cards. I want to be prepared for potential employers, buyers or suppliers who may be looking to view my work. I think it's particularly important to have promotional material with going to new designers because you never know who you might meet whilst there. I do however believe I could have been more proactive in contacting freelance designers and asking for their advice on entering the working world but this is something that I can do once I graduate, it may even lead to work experience.

I think that the degree show and new designers will be two great opportunities to showcase my work, I'm interested to find out what the viewing public think of my work. I'm so pleased to have been chosen to exhibit at new designers, it will be a great experience and hopefully I will make some connections, whether it be other designers or potential employers.

Throughout this year I have developed a characteristic style that has helped me to find my strengths as a print designer. I'm pleased with my design portfolio for this unit, I think that I have generated a number of designs, visualisations and artworks that are worthy to be in my graduate portfolio.

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