Saturday 1 August 2015

Graduate Show - Esmé Alice Mackey

Piece called Balloon People

Esmé Alice Mackey is an illustration student, who's playful design style drew me in straight away. This year I want to try and develop an illustrative style, and seeing the work of different illustrators is helping me to identify how I want to work. In a similar way to Esme I want to use drawing, painting and other hand techniques to create my prints. Looking at Esme's sketchbook I could tell it was bursting with potential prints and I would like to build my ability to see some inspiration and just draw and draw and draw.

As well as Esme's work, I saw the work of another illustration student called Elsa Frere, who's work had a similar style to Esme's work. The scale of Elsa's work, filling an a1 sheet with an illustration is something I want to explore when producing my prints, pushing myself to really scale up my work and try a more hands on approach when creating.

Elsa Frere's Degree Show Stand

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