Sunday 2 August 2015

Graduate Show - Adele Fitzgerald

The degree show was a really interesting insight into where we will be in a years times. I was not only inspired by the work of the textile students but also the work of other discipline students as well.

As I am planning to base my third year work on florals, I was particularly looking out for work with the same theme. Seeing Adele Fitzgerald's work I was intrigued and I particularly liked the fact the wallpaper had been embroidered into, I thought that was very original. Her final collection was inspired by the MMU's Special Collections and she has used new techniques to bring life to the neglected designs. I'd used an archive to inspire my work in a previous project and as It was such a useful tool, I've viewed some pieces of textiles from the Downing Collections to see whether there was anything I could take inspiration from. Adele has updated the traditional designs well with the help of her colour palette, that to me still reflects the traditional style but with a contemporary edge. As well as the theme of florals, the context of deigning for wallpaper, is a similarity to my own plans.

I liked the simplicity of Adele's display, having the three designs stand alone allowed them to speak for themselves, the beauty and vibrance of them catches your eye straight away and then as you get closer you realise how much detail has gone into each piece. 


Saturday 1 August 2015

Graduate Show - Esmé Alice Mackey

Piece called Balloon People

Esmé Alice Mackey is an illustration student, who's playful design style drew me in straight away. This year I want to try and develop an illustrative style, and seeing the work of different illustrators is helping me to identify how I want to work. In a similar way to Esme I want to use drawing, painting and other hand techniques to create my prints. Looking at Esme's sketchbook I could tell it was bursting with potential prints and I would like to build my ability to see some inspiration and just draw and draw and draw.

As well as Esme's work, I saw the work of another illustration student called Elsa Frere, who's work had a similar style to Esme's work. The scale of Elsa's work, filling an a1 sheet with an illustration is something I want to explore when producing my prints, pushing myself to really scale up my work and try a more hands on approach when creating.

Elsa Frere's Degree Show Stand