Friday 11 March 2016


I have built on the research I acquired in the Practice unit, both contextual and visual research. 

Whilst conducting market research I've noticed that a lot of high street homeware stores have adapted the painterly floral trend in Spring Summer. This is both a positive and a negative, a positive because there is clearly a demand for this kind of product, a negative because it means that I will need to make sure my work is original in comparison.


Although I am using the same concept of painterly florals I wanted my visual research to be different to that I created in the Practice. Instead of creating ariel view paintings I have been creating still life compositions that could be sold as artworks in their own right. I tried to create paintings in the colours of my palette but I find it so much easier to paint in black and white as I can completely concentrate on the painting rather than mixing colours. It is however something I want to be able to do in the future.

Example of Practice visual research
Example of Unit X visual research