Wednesday 30 September 2015

Week Beginning 28th September

Following my first 1-1 tutorial of the unit, I have started to produce visual research that is more experimental in terms of media and processes in comparison to the work I produced over the summer. Those drawings are quite figurative and the majority of them were created using pens meaning there isn't a lot of texture or life to them.

Summer work
Examples of the work I've been doing this week

There is a distinct difference between my summer work and the work I am now producing. Initially I was hesitant about the direction in which my work was going as I thought the figurative work was a lot stronger. But on reviewing the two styles I can see there is a lot more potential in the work I am now producing as it is more original in terms of style. The freeness and uncertainty of what could be produced next is exciting.

In this next week I plan to continue experimenting with my processes, creating visual research using different medias. Jenny Garrido's inky paintings (seen below) have inspired my process direction. Her abstract style works so well at creating botanical shapes that look like they are dancing across the canvas. I hope to be able to achieve the same freeness and life when creating my design motifs.